Welding electrodes
2020-12-28 16:58:55Welding electrodes

Welding electrodes allow you to create an electric arc that can melt metal. The correct choice of the electrode directly affects the stability of the arc, as well as the strength of the finished seam. That is why in the manufacture of metal forged products Artdeko specialists use consumables only from proven manufacturers.

Why do you need electrodes for welding?

Quality welding electrodes must have the following properties:

  • Maintaining arc stability.
  • Creating a specific chemical composition to obtain a strong seam.
  • Uniform melting of coverings, and the core.
  • Minimization of metal spraying during welding.
  • Ensuring an acceptable level of toxicity during work.
  • The right choice is ensured by knowledge of the composition, classification and purpose.

Varieties of electrodes 

In the manufacture of metal products, electrodes are used depending on the composition of the materials. Accordingly, there are brands for cast iron, steel, non-ferrous metals and alloys. This changes not only the type of electrode, but also the equipment used.

Welding electrodes are divided by other criteria:

  • Depending on the thickness of the product, thin (M), medium (C) and thick (D) are distinguished.
  • The composition of the coating can be the so-called base coat (B), with acid (A), with cellulose (C) and with rutile (P). In addition, the coating can be combined. Like all other coatings are marked with the letter P. The choice of coating depends on the expected result, for example, due to rutile you can prevent cracks in the seam.
  • Welding electrodes are classified according to the type of current polarity.

When performing artistic forging, different electrodes are used for welding depending on the stage of work and the purpose of the product. The competent choice of expendables allows to create the reliable designs steady both against mechanical loading, and in any other external factors.

Where to buy welding electrodes?

The main direction of Art Deco is the manufacture of forged products and individual elements for decoration. Our range includes constructions for a decor of the house and the house adjoining territory, and also all expendables necessary for carrying out works.

The experience of our consultants will help you choose the right product in our catalog. At production we use a cutting wheel and a welding wire which you can also get from us.

Cooperation with us has many advantages:

  • Own production makes our prices especially attractive.
  • We regularly offer discounts on products up to 25%.
  • Delivery is carried out across the territory of Ukraine.

You can buy finished products in our catalog. To do this, simply call the phone number listed on the company's website, or use the feedback form.
